We continue to grow and move forward through the ongoing investment in both our staff and equipment. Presently we manufacture in house all our cabinetry, labeling, cabling, etc ready to deliver
Technical selection comes from yes of industry experience both in the off-grid field and engineering. Find the right choice for a customer is not always as easy as you may think
Through our installations we are constantly promoting the use of eco friendly sustainable power generation and further moving away from fossil fuels.
We have looked at many aspects of our manufacturing process for environmental impact, everything from waste reduction to good recycling.
Big News!
As of January 2020, Off-Grid Electrician has been aquired by a well established electrical and welder repair company called WISE Integrated.
We are very excited for this transition and you should be too! Our team is full of highly experienced, highly qualified and highly knowlegable employees, we strive to continue providing our customers with the best service possible, there is no solar installation too big, too small or too difficult. If you think we can assist you, then please contact us today to organise for an obligation free quote!
Office: 1300 361 102 Email: info@wiseintegrated.com.au
What many don’t realise is that as part of being an Off-Grid Solar Electrician you also need to be a savvy electrician and have a broad range of skills.
We also offer many other services such as Commercial Electrical services, Industrial Electrical Services, Information Technology, Security and Welder/ equipment repairs
If you require any of these services or have any enquires please contact us today!